Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Running Transformation Tool

To run transformation tool witf TIF 1.21.700 editor and convert form to page follow there steps:
  1. Navigate to Transformation tool: Transformation > Transform forms 
  2. Start funkction: Setup > Get Forms to add forms to transformation tool.
  3. Enter ID of form you would like to transform (best view from object designer)
  4. PageType: choose Card or List or whatever option of form best suites your conversion
  5. Function > Create transformation input > Transform pages. This creates TransformPages.xml which is exported form from transformation tool.
  6. Export form from Object designer in XML form and name it Forms (forms.xml).
  7. Run Form transform tool by double clicking on Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Tools.FormTransformation.exe which must be located in folder entered on Setup > Transformation card setup.
  8. Open object designer and import created Pages.XML.
  9. Compile imported object in Object Designer.
  10. Edit menu (RTC menu usually named with „Dept –„) and add created page to menusuite.

1 comment:

  1. Added step 9 because sometimes imported XML pages aren't automatically compiled so You have to do it manualy.
