To run transformation tool witf TIF 1.21.700 editor and convert form to page follow there steps:
- Navigate to Transformation tool: Transformation > Transform forms
- Start funkction: Setup > Get Forms to add forms to transformation tool.
- Enter ID of form you would like to transform (best view from object designer)
- PageType: choose Card or List or whatever option of form best suites your conversion
- Function > Create transformation input > Transform pages. This creates TransformPages.xml which is exported form from transformation tool.
- Export form from Object designer in XML form and name it Forms (forms.xml).
- Run Form transform tool by double clicking on Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Tools.FormTransformation.exe which must be located in folder entered on Setup > Transformation card setup.
- Open object designer and import created Pages.XML.
- Compile imported object in Object Designer.
- Edit menu (RTC menu usually named with „Dept –„) and add created page to menusuite.
Added step 9 because sometimes imported XML pages aren't automatically compiled so You have to do it manualy.