Wednesday, August 3, 2011

NAV 2009 RTC MenuSuite and Action pane itmes relation

Let's talk about how smart RTC is when designing action menu items (Home items).

When designing Menu action (Home items) You want Your users to have on-eye ability to use most user NAV funcionalities. So naturally You'll add actions that represent those form (or card) NAV items.
NAV RTC has programmed logic that sounds something like this:

When designing action cues use those drop down forms as home items because it is big probability that user will use those forms often!

In short this means that all forms or cards used when developing cues those forms will automatically show in home items and you don't need to manually add them on Page actions.

Of course there is a little bit problem if you want to remove those items from home acitons. This is still RTC built in funciontality and it is depended on Microsoft's will to make this RTC modification.

NAV 2009 RTC Blank MenuSuite Items

When creating / converting menusuites from Classic client to RTC client there is one thing, besides menu structure and permissions, that You need to think about and that is multilanguage options.

RTC handles multilanguage items drastically harder than classic client. This means that you must specify menusuite item captions for every item and for evey language used. If You don't populate Caption ML those itmes won't show in RTC departmets for language that wasn't specified on seperate items.
Of course Your items will show when viewing RTC using default language.