Tuesday, March 27, 2012

NAV 2009 RTC Client Randomly Failed to Connect

This morning I had one strange issue while trying to connect my RTC client to data base.
Immediately after starting RTC client I got this error:

Type: System.AccessViolationException

After trying to give access rights to Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe, and giving extra admin rights to current user nothing did the trick. Then I started thinking that maybe there is problem on Service tier. Now it was time to change setup of services. I noticed that some of services are running under "Local Account", and some under "Network account". This was obligatory because I have more than one NAV Services. Since "Network account" gives so much trouble and is really delicate to maintain i decided to change every one service to run under local administrator account. After I changed this setting and restarted services everything went through.

Monday, March 26, 2012

NAV 2009 Platform Overview

Here are few links that You might find userful while working with NAV 2009 or troubleshooting:

Released Platform Hotfixes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dynamics World Support

I'm proud to say that portal Dynamics World has published my article about Dynamics NAV.

You can read blog directly on MSDynamicsWorld site.

Monday, March 5, 2012

SQL Server Configuration Recommendations

There is very interesting Blog post on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Team Blog about recommendations for SQL Server Setup.

Michael De Voe has written one document which consists of pointers for setting up SQL 2005 or SQL 2008 for Dynamics NAV.

Here's short list of recomendations:

  • Max Server Memory,
  • Auto-Create Statistics,
  • Auto-Update Statistics,
  • Auto-Grow,
  • Database Compatibility Level,
  • Trace Flag 4136,
  • Trace Flag 4119,
  • Data files for TempDB,
  • Disk Alignment,
  • Read Committed Snapshot Isolation (RCSI),
  • Max Degree of Parallelism,
  • Dynamics NAV Default Isolation Level,
  • Dynamics NAV "Lock Timeout",
  • Dynamics NAV "Always Rowlock",
  • Maintenance Jobs,
  • Instant File Initialization,
  • Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads,
  • Page Verify,
  • Lock Pages in Memory.
Here are links to:
Dynamics NAV Team Blog
Michael's SQL recomendations

SQL 2010 Login Error

Today I tried to test Dynamics NAV 2009 client on new SQL 2010 R0.

Installation went without problems, user creation also went without problem, and then I started classic client with task to create data base. Now problems started.

On my server I had two types of data base users: domain user (Windows authentication) and data base user.

Thing that bothered me was that I could log in with windows account but couldn't log in with database account.

After I verified all of SQL Server parameters, user permissions, and data base properties I found what was "wrong": SQL 2010 has new security feature that doesn't allow logging of accounts that have blank passwords.

Even thou your account has blank password with ALTER LOGIN function and even thou query returns Command(s) completed successfully You still won't be able to log in.

After setting passwords to my database account I was able to log in to SQL server and create/restore databases.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Supporting Web-Site

It's finally done!.

I had some questions about files (Dynamics and PMP) so I decided to put online site that will support this blog and vice versa.

I've published Google Site on adress: Filip's Site.

Like Blog You can comment and share data / links and etc. Also please comment and please put Your proposals on site (topics, files, links ets.)